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    Hello lovely friends!! I can't tell you how wonderful it's felt to be back in my hometown of LA...
    steven chee4
    I flew in Saturday afternoon to loads of chilly but beautiful sunshine, and it's already been a whirlwind of fun! We kicked things off with a premiere party for the adorable and talented Emily Henderson's Secrets From a Stylist on Saturday night (have you watched? did you love?).
    steven chee3
    Then Sunday it was off to brunch with friends before heading to lunch at the stunning estate of Tony Duquette - Dawnridge - which I'll share more of later today.
    Steven Chee1
    After that we buzzed around town taking in some Oscar energy and ended the evening with a wonderful dinner at Ago, hosted by the folks at Sub-Zero. (The most amazingly delicate ravioli I've ever had!).

    I've hardly had a moment to breathe and will be speaking in just a couple of hours for the Design Bloggers Conference, so I'm off to get ready! More photos and fun from la la land soon...


    *photography by steven chee

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