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    As most of you have noticed, we have some amazing contributors here at coco+kelley who do a fantastic job, and I am looking to add to the bunch! I've already started reaching out to a few of my favorite bloggers, and a few have come my way serendipitously, but I wanted to put out an open call to those who may be interested...
    Walter Pfeiffer for T Style1
    Here's the deets:

    The requirements...
    *1. Contributors are welcome from anywhere in the world! 
    *2. Contributors MUST be able to format their own posts - this means graphic design/editing skills.
    *3. Topics must fall under the categories of fashion, interior design, and entertaining and be 100% original content. 

    How to apply:
    *1. Feel like something might be missing here at coco+kelley? Maybe you'd like to see more fashion ensembles, posts on entertaining, floral arrangements, recipes, or DIY for the home? Come up with a series that you think you are capable of keeping up every two weeks and email your idea to me with a sample post!
    *2. Not able to contribute every two weeks? We're also looking for people to do roundups every six weeks or so for fun niches within the design world (we've already got one lined up for paper goods!). If you think this sounds a little more your style, send us an email with a roundup idea and sample post.
    *3. Send your emails to cocokelley (at) gmail (dot) com and with the subject line "Contributor Submission."  Please only apply if you know you can seriously commit to a series as we like to keep our contributors around for a while.

    The last time I did this I had tons and tons of emails to sort through, so please be patient in waiting for a response! ALL SUBMISSIONS ARE DUE BY APRIL 25TH. Finalists will be chosen from submissions and their posts will go up on coco+kelley for readers to help decide which contributors make the cut (oohhhh - it's like blogger idol!).

    Also - I am currently interviewing interns here in Seattle (yes, they must be local) to assist in the business side of coco+kelley. We are looking for those interested in interior design as well as marketing and social media, advertising and office management, event styling and lots and lots of resourcing! Interested? Email us!

    *image walter pfeiffer via fgr

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