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    Well, chickadees, I'm back from my long weekend in Austin and I have to say... for such a quick trip, I certainly felt like it did more for me than my last real vacation. Maybe that had to do with the fact that I felt spoiled rotten by the lovely Camille and her amazing husband (who served us margaritas by the pool and cooked up some fantastic tacos), as we soaked in sunshine and talked life, love and blogging for hours and hours in the sunshine...
    austin recap
    Or maybe it was all the fun I had with my girl Beth who toured me up and down South Congress one afternoon (starting with brunch at South Congress Cafe) for some vintage shopping. My favorite shop might have been Feathers Boutique where I found this insane Mongolian wool vest (what do you think!? am i crazy thinking about it?) as well as a few other goodies including a green lame´evening gown that I so wanted to bring back with me.  And of course we had to go boot shopping! I've never seen so many amazing styles in one place before.

    Whatever it was - some wide open spaces, time spent with people I absolutely adore, or a healthy dose of sunshine - it was a fantastic weekend that really cleared my head. And now I can't wait (yes really) to get back to work! Thanks to all of you who offered up suggestions for my trip, too - ya'll are the best!

    xo cassandra

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