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    Nothing says summer to me like hanging out at the ballpark in the sunshine! Even though I'm as Seattle girl, if you follow my twitter you know I'm a huge Red Sox fan (apologies to my Yankee readers in advance). So in honor of summer, baseball, and sox fans everywhere - this cocktail is for you!
    cocktails at six. palmyra
    The Palmyra was featured as Gourmet's cocktail of the week a few years back... and this is how they presented it:  

    "On September 28, 1941, the Boston Red Sox played a doubleheader against the Philadelphia Athletics. The Sox were well behind the first-place Yankees in the American League standings, so the games didn’t matter. Today’s stars might have begged off the second game, but not Ted Williams. The Splendid Splinter was hitting over .400, so he really had nothing to prove. But not only did he play both ends of the twin bill, he got six hits in eight at bats and ended the season with a .406 batting average. Nobody since - 68 seasons - has managed to hit .400. In his honor, here’s a cocktail from the Boston restaurant No. 9 Park. Oh, by the way, Williams wore No. 9."

    So, my friends, if you happen to be enjoying a little baseball today - why not pour yourself one of these, and raise a glass to Teddy Williams while you're at it. Oh, and Go Sox!

    The Palmyra:

    2 1/2 oz vodka
    1 oz mint simple syrup
    1 oz fresh lime juice
    Mint leaves and lime wedge for garnish

    Combine vodka, simple syrup, and lime juice in shaker. Fill glass with ice. Cap with metal portion of Boston Shaker and shake hard for 15 seconds. Strain into a pre-chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with mint leaves and a lime wedge.

    *image via fgr, fenway seats print available here.

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