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    Last year the holidays really snuck up on me (as in, nobody even got a Christmas card) so this year I've been determined not to let that last minute shopping, card sending, party throwing and cookie baking wait until the week before Christmas. Thank goodness for Tiny Prints. IMG_2956
    With a list a mile long of friends and acquaintances who have come into my life this year through coco+kelley, there was no way I was going to be able to hand write every card! So, I quickly hopped on the Tiny Prints site to see what they had to offer... and found this beautifully simple card.
    In the perfect coco+kelley green. Even better yet was the level of personalization offered on this design so I could make it say anything (and everything) I wanted it to! It was quick and easy. A proof was sent in the next few days. I approved it. And they arrived on my doorstep later that week. I suppose the only downside now will be addressing all these gorgeous cards!

    I know many of you out there are just as busy as I am, and I know you'll love the variety of design options that Tiny Prints has to offer, so we're giving you the chance to win $100 towards your holiday order!
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    I spent an hour last night combing through all the options, and these are just a few of my faves, but there are also some super fun invitiations, address labels and gift tags to be had as well! Ready to enter yet?

    Alrighty then - you know the drill. Head  over to the Tiny Prints site and then come back here to leave a comment letting us know which design is your favorite and what you'd be spending that $100 on! The winner will be drawn in one week!

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